Saturday, 26 July 2008

Harriet Harman to be called to give evidence in F4J Rooftop Trial, 27th August

Two Fathers 4Justice protestors have called Jack Dromey, the husband of the Deputy Leader of the Labour Party Harriet Harman, to give evidence at their trial at Camberwell Magistrates Court on Wenesday 27th August at 10.00am.

The pair are also issuing a witness summons for the Minister to appear and give evidence.

Jolly Stanesby and Mark Harris, both from Devon, pleaded not guilty to charges of harassment and failing to follow a police officers instructions.

F4J today said that the Minister would be targeted again in the near future and that she had seriously misled the public in the media and in the House of Commons with her comments.

Said a spokesman,'As the Minister for equality, all we are asking for is equal treatment for dads. Surely, that isn't too much to ask a Minister charged with ensuring parity for all citizens regardless of gender, race, colour or creed.'

In October 2007, Minister Margaret Hodge gave evidence against Mr Stanesby after he was accused of unlawful imprisonment after handcuffing himself to the Minister in 2004. He was found not guilty in a jury trial in Manchester.

Saturday, 14 June 2008

Why Father On The Roof Was a Role I had To Play

On sunday morning, just hours before he scrambled on to the roof of Harriet Harman's home dressed as a superhero, Mark Harris kissed and hugged his daughter Lisa and set off from the South Devon home they share.

"I told him I was proud of him," says Lisa, a 21-year-old wages clerk. "I said that however long he managed to stay up there, I would be cheering him on and sending him my love.'

In the end, Mark, who staged his weekend protest with fellow Fathers 4 Justice campaigner from Devon Jolly Stanesby, stayed on the roof of Ms Harman's elegant period home in Herne Hill, South London, for 10 hours - an hour for every year that his own case wasn't resolved by the courts

When he climbed down on Sunday night, he was immediately arrested and detained by police, leaving Mr Stanesby perched precariously on the slates, stubbornly insisting he wouldn't descend until Mark had been released.

But then as Lisa points out, brushes with the law are nothing new to her 49-year-old father. During the decade he spent fighting for full access to his three daughters after his wife walked out and took them with her, the driving instructor faced 133 court appearances before 33 different judges, two stints in jail and went on a hunger strike.

The irony is that Mark's case is now resolved: Lisa, his eldest, now lives with him. So does his 17-year-old daughter. Another daughter, aged 15, lives nearby with her mother, but visits at least twice a week. He now has everything he fought for.

But he still donned Superman's leotard, tights and cape because while he is free to talk about the horrors he suffered at the hands of the British justice system, other fathers are not. Last year, the Lord Chancellor ruled that family court proceedings must remain secret and therefore, argue some, unaccountable.

"He hasn't forgotten what he went through," says Lisa. "He still has a lot of anger about it and he wants to do what he can to help other fathers in the same position."

If it seems strange that Mark is still angry about his own ordeal, then, as Lisa is quick to remind anyone who asks, until she was 16 - and legally able to choose for herself which parent she wanted to live with - she hardly knew her father at all.

Her life has been blighted by years of enforced separation from the father she clearly adores.

"Most people look back on their childhood and remember family days out at the seaside and birthday parties," she says. "My recollections are of Mum, sour-faced in a suit, heading off for yet another court appearance and endless interviews with social workers and child psychologists, all telling me that I didn't have to see my dad if I didn't want to."

Speaking to the Daily Mail on a previous occasion, Mark explained: "I missed so much. They took my daughter's childhood, her formative years, from me. Lisa is 21 now. I didn't see her between the ages of 10 and 16. An awful lot happens in a child's life in that time and I missed it all."

Lisa, too, has suffered. For years, she believed her father had abandoned her and couldn't understand why.

"There were times when I needed a father figure - for reassurance and advice. There just wasn't one there."

There are many gaps in their shared pasts, but one memory they both recall vividly is how, on the day Lisa returned home to her father, she walked into her bedroom and threw out all the toys and mementoes Mark had clung on to from her childhood, laughing nervously as she did so.

"It struck me just how much time had passed and how far she had moved on," said Mark. "We might be father and daughter, but we were starting again from scratch."

And despite her bravado as she threw away the dolls and teddies, Lisa admits that, in fact, her heart was breaking.

"When I walked into my old bedroom and saw it was exactly as I had left it all those years ago, I wanted to sob," she says.

"If I had ever doubted dad's love for me, here was the proof of just how unfailing it was. I didn't dare cry, because if I did I thought I might never stop."

With their comic book character outfits and off-the-wall publicity stunt protests, it would be all too easy to dismiss the Fathers 4 Justice phenomenon out of hand.

The group formed in 2002 and champions the reform of Britain's family law system and equal parenting rights for separated couples. It doesn't help, of course, that many of the group are legally prevented from speaking out and defending themselves.

And yet the personal story behind the group's latest desperate attempt to be heard is a salutary reminder that, when family decision-making is handed over to the State, families can be ripped apart.

As Mark pointed out, he didn't walk out of his children's lives; he was ordered out by the secretive family courts. And when he objected, insisting upon his right to see them, he found himself on the wrong side of the law.

He married a former driving school pupil in 1986 after a whirlwind romance and Lisa was born the following year, her younger sisters arriving in 1989 and 1991. Back then in those heady days of early fatherhood, he could never have imagined that he would one day end up on national television protesting on top of a minister's home.

"When Lisa was born, I was overwhelmed with love," he recalled. "I felt the luckiest man alive. Being a father quickly became what defined me."

He was, he said, a "hands-on" father and aside from regular rows about his "overbearing" mother-in-law, he thought his marriage was happy too.

His wife, however, clearly didn't agree. One day in November 1993, he returned home to find the four-bedroom family home in Plymouth ransacked. Most of the furniture and ornaments, as well as his wife and children, had gone.

"Later, she calmly explained that she no longer loved me, but that I could see the children whenever I wanted," he said. "She seemed so cold and uncaring - I didn't recognise her.

"I took the children home with me for a few hours and they spent the time crying, wanting to know when they could have their lives back. I didn't know what to say to them, because I was as bewildered as they were."

Over the next two months, Mark saw the girls nearly every day. Then, one day, two months after she had left, his wife asked if she could speak to him.

"She told me that she deeply regretted what she had done and asked if I would take her back," said Mark. "I refused. I was too hurt and angry.

"The following day, she changed her telephone number and from then on she refused even to answer the door to me, let alone let the children see me."

Life soon became a round of court appearances. At first, Mark was granted unrestricted access. But at the same time his wife applied to have his visits reduced, saying it was "confusing" for the girls to see him.

The family court agreed and cut his access from three times a week to once a week and finally to once a fortnight.

A year after they separated, the couple divorced. And that year, 1996, Mark returned to court in a bid to see more of his daughters. This time, he asked if they could come and live with him. His wife retaliated by saying that seeing him was unsettling the girls.

The judge's response was astonishing by any standards: he severed all Mark's rights of access.

"I was devastated," he said. "But I couldn't let that stop me being a father to them."

To show he cared, he stood on the street and waved to them when their mother drove them to school each morning. Then his ex-wife took out an injunction to stop him. Still he carried on waving.

"I thought the whole ridiculous business would be cleared up at the next court hearing," he said.

Instead, in November 1997, when he turned up at court, he was led away in handcuffs and jailed for four months. "They said my waving was tantamount to stalking my wife."

On his first night in jail, he shared a cell with a murderer. "I pined for my girls," he said. "When I got out, it took me another year to convince the courts that I should be allowed to see the girls at all."

Finally, five years after being separated from Lisa and her younger sisters, Mark was granted permission to see them under the supervision of social workers. At first, Lisa refused to come, convinced that he hadn't seen her for so long because he didn't love her.

"It hurt to think she didn't want to see me. But I hoped she would eventually come round."

Then, in January 2001, at a court hearing he hoped would increase his children's visits, he was sentenced to 10 months in Pentonville Prison for contempt of court. His crime? Driving past his wife's house, trying to catch a glimpse of the girls between the six unsupervised visits he was allowed each year. He went on hunger strike for two weeks.

"I stopped only when I realised that if I died, I would never see my girls again."

In the end, it was Lisa, not the courts, who resolved the situation. Over the years, she admits, she had given up on her father. "We thought he didn't love us any more," she says.

When her father was jailed, it served only to reinforce what she says were her mother's words: "I told you he was a bad man."

She says: "Mum's hate for dad seemed to run so deep, to keep her happy and get the social workers off my back, I told them all I never wanted to see him again. Turning love to hate seemed easier."

Over the years, she occasionally saw her father on TV. "One day, I caught him being interviewed along with some other dads who were also banned from seeing their children," she said.

"As I listened to them all talk about how all they wanted was to be allowed to be fathers to their own kids, I felt a pang for my own dad and what we'd lost."

On March 21, 2001, she telephoned her father out of the blue, saying that she and her youngest sister were at a bus stop with their bags packed and wanted to come and live with him.

"Seeing Lisa again for the first time in six years was incredible," recalled Mark, who has written a book, Family Court Hell, about his experiences.

"The last time we were together, she was a little girl. Right then I didn't know how to speak to, or even how look at, the young woman before me, in make-up and high heels with her 6ft boyfriend in tow. In the end, we just fell into one another's arms and sobbed."

Back home, he called a High Court emergency hotline. "I managed to speak to a decent, and very humane, judge. I told him everything, he spoke to the girls, and 10 minutes later faxed through a temporary residency order. In court, the following week, he cleared every previous court order and injunction that had been passed in the past 10 years relating to our case."

For Lisa, the reunion was hard at first. "The last time I'd seen my dad I was 10 and carried a skipping rope. Now I was 16, a young woman with a boyfriend in tow.

"Dad looked older and worn down by it all. It was a shock to see how he had aged."

Today, she and her father are closer than ever, while her relationship with her mother is strained. "As soon as the police release him, he's coming straight home," she says. "I can't wait to see him."

Yet there is lingering regret too, for herself and others who have to experience a similar ordeal.

"I wish to God that my parents had avoided the courts from day one and simply shared us, the children they created together," she says. "Instead, complete strangers were allowed to get involved in our lives to such an extent that everyone lost sight of the needs of us, the three people they were fighting over. All I ever wanted was to be allowed to love them both," she says.

Harriet Harman may have been justified in refusing to meet last weekend's uninvited house guests and listen to their complaints, but, in the end, Lisa's words say it all.

Fathers 4 Justice campaigners storm Bristol Courts

Dozens of employees were evacuated from a Bristol family court today when Fathers 4 Justice campaigners stormed the building and a fire alarm was set off.Court and construction staff huddled outside Bristol County Court, in the high-rise Greyfriars building in the city centre, and waited for the fire service to arrive.

The protest, which began as a street demonstration, was joined by two Westcountry campaigners who had scaled the roof of deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman's home in Herne Hill, south London, earlier this week.

Jolly Stanesby, from Ivybridge, South Devon, and Mark Harris, from Plympton, were among about 30 banner-waving protesters dressed as various superheroes during the action calling for fathers' rights at Bristol County Court yesterday.

A dozen protesters dressed as Spiderman, Batman, Superman and The Incredibles forced their way into the court and chanted "What do we want? Justice. When do we want it? Now!"

A fire alarm was activated, although court staff could not confirm who was responsible, and nearly 100 staff flooded into the street outside.

Mr Stanesby said: "We always have a little get-together before Father's Day to put our message across."

After the courts were stormed, two police vans arrived, along with two fire engines, and the protesters left the building to continue their march. Fathers 4 Justice is a civil rights group which campaigns for parental equality and a father's right to see his children.

Mr Stanesby added: "Just because my ex decided to move on... shouldn't mean I don't get to see my child."

He said he and Mr Harris, who have been bailed by police since their rooftop protest, had written to Ms Harman to request a meeting with her.

"She's minister for justice and minister for women - how can those two things go together?"

Mr Harris said opening family courts to the public was one of the focal points of the Fathers 4 Justice campaign. He said: "Open up the courts so people can see the ridiculous decisions made against fathers. I was once sent to prison for waving at my daughters."

The demonstrators later unveiled a new poster campaign featuring superheroes.

Bristol County Court later released a statement, saying proceedings were disrupted for around 30 minutes and business then resumed as normal.

Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Minister hit the roof at my protest

London Metro

The alarm clock went off at 2am on Sunday, then a second later the realisation of what I was about to do struck: I was probably going to make headlines during the day – and hopefully not for falling to my death.

After breakfast, I drove from my Plymouth home to pick up my fellow protester en route to the “target” in the capital. We arrived just before 8am and our crew were there. After a quick check, we found access to the rooftop. But what about the security that our target must have in place? What about the police marksmen, barbed wire, guard dogs and CCTV you would expect at the home of the deputy Labour leader? No, not a thing.

So, my partner in crime and I donned our superhero suits. It was all systems go. We took our banner and scaled ladders to get on to the roof. The road was silent. We wondered, at first, if anyone would see us. Then, about 30 minutes later, a young girl appeared in the garden opposite. She waved, then disappeared, before reappearing with mum, dad and siblings. Neighbours came out.

We waited, with still no sign of the occupants of the house. An hour after our climb, a car cruised by carrying what looked like plain-clothes police. A young officer appeared below.

I explained that Harriet Harman, the occupant of the house, had declared a year ago, as the then minister for justice, that family courts should be opened up to the public. He asked whether it would not have been better for us to write to her with our complaints. I said that I had done that twice, and had sent her a copy of a book written by myself and my daughter, Family Court Hell.

He asked what he could do to resolve matters and I passed him down a copy of my book. I asked him to give it to her. Ten minutes later, he reappeared, saying that Harman had declined to read the book. I decided to remain on the roof until she thought again.

Hours later, with a smile and a quick comment to the hordes of press, Harman left her house. If only she had agreed to look at the book and see for herself what had happened in my case (and countless others). If she had, she could have stayed at home in peace that sunny day and we would have been back in Devon in time for tea.

Mark Harris, 46, is a Fathers 4 Justice protester. He has been bailed by police investigating the protest.

Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Justice 4 my father, says daughter of rooftop protester

No one condones invading private property, but read the moving story of the man on Harriet Harman's roof who spent years fighting for the right to see his daughters ... only to find THEY wanted to live with HIM

On Sunday morning, just hours before he scrambled on to the roof of Harriet Harman's home dressed as a superhero, Mark Harris kissed and hugged his daughter Lisa and set off from the South Devon home they share.

'I told him I was proud of him,' says Lisa, a 21-year-old wages clerk. 'I said that however long he managed to stay up there, I would be cheering him on and sending him my love.'

In the end, Mark, who staged his weekend protest with fellow Fathers 4 Justice campaigner Jolly Stanesby, stayed on the roof of Ms Harman's elegant period home in Herne Hill, South London, for ten hours - an hour for every year that his own case wasn't resolved by the courts.

When he climbed down on Sunday night, he was immediately arrested and detained by police, leaving Mr Stanesby perched precariously on the slates, stubbornly insisting he wouldn't descend until Mark had been released.

But then as Lisa points out, brushes with the law are nothing new to her 49-year-old father. During the decade he spent fighting for full access to his three daughters after his wife walked out and took them with her, the driving instructor faced 133 court appearances before 33 different judges, two stints in jail and went on a hunger strike.

The irony is that Mark's case is now resolved: Lisa, his eldest, now lives with him. So does his 17-year-old daughter. Another daughter, aged 15, lives nearby with her mother, but visits at least twice a week. He now has everything he fought for.

But he still donned Superman's leotard, tights and cape because while he is free to talk about the horrors he suffered at the hands of the British justice system, other fathers are not.

Last year, the Lord Chancellor ruled that family court proceedings must remain secret and therefore, argue some, unaccountable.

Labour MP Harriet Harman leaves her house as Fathers 4 Justice campaigners Mark Harris and Jolly Stanesby, circled, continue their protest on the roof of her house

'He hasn't forgotten what he went through,' says Lisa. 'He still has a lot of anger about it and he wants to do what he can to help other fathers in the same position.'

If it seems strange that Mark is still angry about his own ordeal, then as Lisa is quick to remind anyone who asks, until she was 16 - and legally able to choose for herself which parent she wanted to live with - she hardly knew her father at all.

Her life has been blighted by years of enforced separation from the father she clearly adores.

'Most people look back on their childhood and remember family days out at the seaside and birthday parties,' she says. 'My recollections are of Mum, sour-faced in a suit, heading off for yet another court appearance and endless interviews with social workers and child psychologists, all telling me that I didn't have to see my dad if I didn't want to.'

Speaking to the Mail on a previous occasion, Mark explained: 'I missed so much. They took my daughter's childhood, her formative years, from me. Lisa is 21 now. I didn't see her between the ages of ten and 16. An awful lot happens in a child's life in that time and I missed it all.'

Lisa, too, has suffered. For years, she believed her father had abandoned her and couldn't understand why.

'There were times when I needed a father figure - for reassurance and advice. There just wasn't one there.'

There are many gaps in their shared pasts, but one memory they both recall vividly is how, on the day Lisa returned home to her father she walked into her bedroom and threw out all the toys and mementoes Mark had clung on to from her childhood, laughing nervously as she did so.

'It struck me just how much time had passed and how far she had moved on,' said Mark. 'We might be father and daughter, but we were starting again from scratch.'

And despite her bravado as she threw away the dolls and teddies, Lisa admits that, in fact, her heart was breaking.

Mark, right, and fellow protester Jolly
When I walked into my old bedroom and saw it was exactly as I had left it all those years ago, I wanted to sob,' she says. 'If I had ever doubted dad's love for me, here was the proof of just how unfailing it was. I didn't dare cry, because if I did I thought I might never stop.'

With their comic book character outfits and off-the-wall publicity stunt protests, it would be all too easy to dismiss the Fathers 4 Justice phenomenon out of hand. The group formed in 2002 and champions the reform of Britain's family law system and equal parenting rights for separated couples. It doesn't help, of course, that many of the group are legally prevented from speaking out and defending themselves.

And yet the personal story behind the group's latest desperate attempt to be heard is a salutary reminder that when family decision-making is handed over to the State, families can be ripped apart.

As Mark pointed out, he didn't walk out of his children's lives. He was ordered out by the secretive family courts. And when he objected, insisting upon his right to see them, he found himself on the wrong side of the law.

He married a former driving school pupil in 1986 after a whirlwind romance and Lisa was born the following year, her younger sisters arriving in 1989 and 1991. Back then in those heady days of early fatherhood, he could never have imagined that he would one day end up on national television protesting on top of a minister's home.

'When Lisa was born, I was overwhelmed with love,' he recalled. 'I felt the luckiest man alive. Being a father quickly became what defined me.'

He was, he said, a 'hands-on' father and aside from regular rows about his 'overbearing' mother-in-law, he thought his marriage was happy too.

His wife, however, clearly didn't agree. One day in November 1993, he returned home to find the four-bedroom family home in Plymouth ransacked. Most of the furniture and ornaments, as well as his wife and children, had gone.

'Later, she calmly explained that she no longer loved me, but that I could see the children whenever I wanted,' he said. 'She seemed so cold and uncaring - I didn't recognise her.

'I took the children home with me for a few hours and they spent the time crying, wanting to know when they could have their lives back. I didn't know what to say to them, because I was as bewildered as they were.'

Over the next two months, Mark saw the girls nearly every day. Then, one day, two months after she had left, his wife asked if she could speak to him.

'She told me that she deeply regretted what she had done and asked if I would take her back,' said Mark. 'I refused. I was too hurt and angry. The following day, she changed her telephone number and from then on she refused even to answer the door to me, let alone let the children see me.'

Life soon became a round of court appearances. At first, Mark was granted unrestricted access. But at the same time his wife applied to have his visits reduced, saying it was ' confusing' for the girls to see him.

The Family Court agreed and cut his access from three times a week to once a week and finally to once a fortnight.

A year after they separated, the couple divorced. And that year, 1996, Mark returned to court in a bid to see more of his daughters. This time, he asked if they could come and live with him. His wife retaliated by saying that seeing him was unsettling the girls. The judge's response was astonishing by any standards: he severed all Mark's rights of access.

'I was devastated,' he said. 'But I couldn't let that stop me being a father to them.' To show he cared, he stood on the street and waved to them when their mother drove them to school each morning. His ex-wife took out an injunction to stop him.

Still he carried on waving at his children. 'I thought the whole ridiculous business would be cleared up at the next court hearing,' he said.

Instead, in November 1997, when he turned up at court, he was led away in handcuffs and jailed for four months. 'They said my waving was tantamount to stalking my wife.'

Mark and Jolly were dressed as 'Captain Conception' and 'Cash Gordon'
On his first night in jail, he shared a cell with a murderer. 'I pined for my girls,' he said. 'When I got out, it took me another year to convince the courts that I should be allowed to see the girls at all.' Finally, five years after being separated from Lisa and her younger sisters, Mark was granted permission to see them under the supervision of social workers. At first, Lisa refused to come, convinced that he hadn't seen her for so long because he didn't love her.

'It hurt to think she didn't want to see me. But it I hoped she would eventually come round.'

Then, in January 2001, at a court hearing he hoped would increase his children's visits, he was sentenced to ten months in Pentonville Prison for contempt of court. His crime?

Driving past his wife's house, trying to catch a glimpse of the girls between the six unsupervised visits he was allowed each year. He went on hunger strike for two weeks.

'I stopped only when I realised that if I died, I would never see my girls again.'

In the end, it was Lisa, not the courts, who resolved the situation-Over the years, she admits, she had given up on her father.

'We thought he didn't love us any more,' she says.

When her father was jailed, it served only to reinforce what she says were her mother's words: 'I told you he was a bad man.'

Mum’s hate for dad seemed to run so deep, to keep her happy and get the social workers off my back, I told them all I never wanted to see him again. Turning love to hate seemed easier.'

Over the years, she occasionally saw her father on TV. 'One day, I caught him being interviewed along with some other dads who were also banned from seeing their children,' she says.

'As I listened to them all talk about how all they wanted was to be allowed to be fathers to their own kids, I felt a pang for my own dad and what we'd lost.'

On March 21, 2001, she telephoned her father out of the blue, saying that she and her youngest sister were at a bus stop with their bags packed and wanted to come and live with him.

'Seeing Lisa again for the first time in six years was incredible,' recalled Mark, who has written a book, Family Court Hell, about his experiences.

'The last time we were together, she was a little girl - right then I didn't know how to speak to, or even how look at, the young woman before me, in make-up and high heels with her 6ft boyfriend in tow. In the end, we just fell into one another's arms and sobbed.'

Back home, he called a High Court emergency hotline. 'I managed to speak to a decent, and very humane, judge. I told him everything, he spoke to the girls, and ten minutes later faxed through a temporary residency order. In court, the following week, he cleared every previous court order and injunction that had been passed in the past ten years relating to our case.'

For Lisa, the reunion was hard at first. 'The last time I'd seen my dad I was ten and carried a skipping rope. Now I was 16, a young woman with a boyfriend in tow. Dad looked older and worn down by it all. It was a shock to see how he had aged.'

Today, she and her father are closer than ever, while her relationship with her mother is strained. 'As soon as the police release him, he's coming straight home,' she says. 'I can't wait to see him.'

Yet there is lingering regret too, for herself and for others who have to experience a similar ordeal. 'I wish to God that my parents had avoided the courts from day one and simply shared us, the children they created together,' she says.

'Instead, complete strangers were allowed to get involved in our lives to such an extent that everyone lost sight of the needs of us, the three people they were fighting over. All I ever wanted was to be allowed to love them both,' she says.

Harriet Harman may have been justified in refusing to meet this weekend's uninvited house guests and listen to their complaints, but, in the end, Lisa's words say it all.

Monday, 9 June 2008

'I will not be moved', vows Fathers 4 Justice campaigner who is STILL on minister's roof

A Fathers 4 Justice protester today vowed to remain on top of Harriet Harman's roof until his fellow protester had been released by police.

He also accused officers of using 'heavy-handed' tactics in trying to wrestle him down.

Jolly Stanesby and fellow demonstrator Mark Harris scaled the deputy leader of the Labour Party's house yesterday morning dressed as 'Captain Conception' and 'Cash Gordon'.

Mr Harris climbed down and was arrested last night but his fellow protester spent the night sleeping under a tarpaulin and insisted today he was staying put.

In for the long haul: Protester Jolly Stanesby was still on Harriet Harman's roof this morning and insists he is staying put

This morning Mr Stanesby said: 'I'm not coming down until they free my mate Mark. He is still being held.'

The pair were taking part in their latest protest over the treatment of fathers in child custody battles in court and had unfurled a banner reading 'A father is for life, not just conception'.

The Minister for Women refused to meet the pair and decided to temporarily move out of her South London address six hours after they arrived

The activists demanded the MP for Camberwell and Peckham read Mr Harris's book, Family Court Hell, an account of his court battle for custody of his two daughters.

Originally boasting they had enough food and water to stay aloft for a week, Mr Harris soon had to be brought down suffering from heatstroke.

He was arrested and faces charges of criminal damage and causing a public nuisance.

Determined: Mr Stanesby says fathers are treated like 'walking wallets'

But Mr Stanesby, 37, said: 'This protest is extremely important. In the courts dads are treated like a walking wallet and with total disregard. I will take each hour as it comes.'

Miss Harman, minister for Women and Equality, and her husband, Labour Party treasurer Jack Dromey, left the home and said: 'We are going to stay somewhere else. I don't think it's fair for police resources to be tied up by this demonstration.'

Fathers 4 Justice dismissed her claims that she had no record of a previous request for a meeting.

Miss Harman, 58, said it was not fair to waste police time or disturb her neighbours so she was going to stay elsewhere.

Three police cars were parked outside the house this morning and officers have already started a security review to work out how the Fathers 4 Justice campaigners were able to scale the walls of Miss Harman's home so easily.

The men claimed they had simply entered through an unlocked gate and propped a ladder up against the wall of the three-storey house.

Miss Harman was targeted because, in her previous Whitehall job as Solicitor General, campaigners say she did not do enough to open up access to the family courts.

It was also claimed that she had hinted at support for the aims of Fathers 4 Justice, but had done nothing.

On the move: Ms Harman outside her besieged home yesterday. She stayed inside for six hours but eventually decided to leave and wait for the protest to end

The drama started at about 8.15am. Once the two Fathers 4 Justice protesters were on the roof they unfurled a banner reading 'A Father is for life, not just conception'.

Mr Harris, speaking to the Daily Mail by mobile phone from the roof, insisted the stunt was a peaceful protest, but said it raised questions about Miss Harman's security arrangements.

'All we did was push open the gate, which wasn't even locked, put a ladder up and climbed up,' he said.

'In this time of heightened terror alerts I can't believe Harriet Harman has such lax security.'

A spokesman for the militant group - whose previous stunts including throwing flour at Tony Blair in the House of Commons and scaling Buckingham Palace - said the demonstration was intended as an 'early Father's Day strike' against the Government over fathers' access to their children.

Ms Harman, the Minister for Women and Equality, stayed inside the house for more than six hours.

But with no end to the stand-off in sight, she eventually emerged from the home she shares with Jack Dromey, treasurer of the Labour Party, to condemn the protest.

She said: 'We are going to move out and stay somewhere else. I don't think it's fair for police resources to be tied up outside my house by this demonstration.'

The demonstrators demanded a meeting with the Cabinet Minister during their sit-in, claiming she had refused to see them.

But Ms Harman denied this and said they could have attended her regular Friday constituency surgery at Southwark Town Hall two days earlier.

She said: 'They have said this is because they want a meeting but I checked with my constituency office and they haven't requested a meeting.'

Fathers 4 Justice spokesman Darryl Westell challenged Miss Harman's claims.

'It's rubbish,' he said. 'She has been approached through Matt O'Connor, the founder, and Mark Oaten, the MP for Winchester. She refused.'

Last night security expert Dai Davies, a former head of the Met's Royalty Protection Squad, said: 'It is ironic that at a time when the Government is trying to extend the detention period for terrorist suspects - supposedly because 2,000 individuals are plotting against us - that security should be so lax at the home of the deputy leader of the Labour Party.'

Fathers 4 Justice was shut down in January 2006 after extremist sympathisers were accused of plotting to kidnap Mr Blair's son Leo but was relaunched four months later when campaigners invaded the live broadcast of the National Lottery draw.

Mr Stanesby and another activist were fined after climbing Stonehenge dressed as cartoon caveman Fred Flintstone in February last year in protest about comments made by Tory leader David Cameron on absent fathers.

Fathers 4 Justice said it had been left with no choice but to resume its campaign of direct action and civil disruption because of the Government's "point-blank refusal" to meet its representatives.

Fathers 4 Justice campaigner continues overnight vigil on Harriet Harman's roof in Herne Hill

A Fathers 4 Justice campaigner who climbed on to the roof of deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman's home has been arrested, police said today.

Another man, Jolly Stanesby, remains on the roof of the Cabinet Minister's house in Herne Hill, south London after an all-night vigil, Scotland Yard said.

"A 49-year-old man who came down from the roof is in custody. A second man remains on the roof," a police spokeswoman said.

The pair, wearing superhero costumes, yesterday unfurled a banner reading "A father is for life, not just conception".

The group said they wanted to highlight the fact that fathers were being made redundant, emotionally in the courts and now biologically in the new Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill.

Ms Harman, the Minister for Women and Equality, remained inside yesterday for over seven hours but eventually emerged to announce she was leaving until the protest was over.

She said: "We are going to move out and stay somewhere else. I don't think it's fair for police resources to be tied up outside my house by this demonstration."

During their protest Mr Harris and Mr Stanesby demanded a meeting with the Cabinet Minister, claiming she had refused to see them.

But Ms Harman denied this and said they could have attended her regular Friday constituency surgery at Southwark Town Hall two days earlier.

She said: "They have said this is because they want a meeting but I checked with my constituency office and they haven't requested a meeting.

"I checked with my ministerial office and they haven't requested a meeting there."

Fathers 4 Justice founder Matt O'Connor responded by saying he had asked Ms Harman for "urgent talks" over a year ago through his local MP in Winchester, Lib-Dem Mark Oaten.

He said: "She wrote back and refused, as did other Ministers, such as Peter Hain.

"We have a duty of care to our kids to address the elephant in the room that is mass fatherlessness and the catastrophic consequences it has on our children."

The two protesters said they intended to remain on the roof until Ms Harman read Mr Harris's book about his child custody battle, Family Court Hell.

Police established a cordon around the house and tried to persuade the men to come down, although Fathers 4 Justice said the pair had enough supplies for a week.

Speaking by mobile phone from the roof, Mr Harris insisted it was a peaceful protest but raised questions about Ms Harman's security arrangements.

He said: "All we did was push open the gate, which wasn't even locked, put a ladder up and climbed up.

"In this time of heightened terror alerts I can't believe Harriet Harman has such lax security. My house is more secure than this."

The protest was the latest in a long line of high-profile Fathers 4 Justice stunts.

The most notorious incident involved activist Guy Harrison throwing a flour bomb at former prime minister Tony Blair in the House of Commons in May 2004.

Mr Blair was unhurt, but speaker Michael Martin immediately suspended the sitting halfway through Prime Minister's Questions.

Fathers 4 Justice was shut down in January 2006 after extremist sympathisers were accused of plotting to kidnap Mr Blair's son Leo.

But it was relaunched four months later when campaigners invaded the live broadcast of the National Lottery draw.

Members dressed as superheroes have previously raised awareness of their cause by scaling high-profile buildings, including Buckingham Palace.

Mr Stanesby and another activist were fined after climbing Stonehenge dressed as cartoon caveman Fred Flintstone in February last year in protest about comments made by Tory leader David Cameron on absent fathers.

Fathers 4 Justice said it had been left with no choice but to resume its campaign of direct action and civil disruption because of the Government's "point-blank refusal" to meet its representatives.

Mr O'Connor will lead a "Fatherless Day" demonstration at the Trooping the Colour ceremony in London on Saturday, the group said.

Sunday, 8 June 2008

Harriet Harman's home targeted by Fathers 4 Justice campaigners

Campaigners dressed as superheroes have scaled the roof of deputy Labour leader Harriet Harman's home while she and her husband were inside.

The Fathers 4 Justice activists, named as Mark Harris, 46 and Jolly Stanesby, 41, from Plymouth, climbed onto the house in south London dressed as Captain Conception and Cash Gordon.

The group, which campaigns for fathers' rights, said two more unnamed members were inside the building and had unfurled a banner from a bedroom window which read "A father is for life, not just conception".

Miss Harman and her husband, Labour party treasurer Jack Dromey, were said to be inside the house at the time.

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Mr Harris said: "All we did was push open the gate which wasn't even locked, put a ladder up and climbed up.

"In this time of heightened terror alerts, I can't believe Harriet Harman has such lax security. My house is more secure than this."

The founder of the direct action group, Mark O'Connor, said: "This is the beginning of a series of protests leading up to Fathers' Day.

"We've got absolutely nowhere in terms of dialogue with the Government and if anything the situation for fathers is infinitely worse.

"Politicians don't want to tackle the elephant in the room, fatherhood, for fear of upsetting single mothers.

"They say you can abandon your children tomorrow if you pay."

The campaigners have said they will remain at the property until Miss Harman has read Mr Harris's book, Family Court Hell.

Mr O'Connor said: "They've got enough food to last them for a week."

Fathers 4 Justice have become well-known for their publicity stunts.

In 2004, two members of the group threw condoms filled with purple flour at Tony Blair, who was then Prime Minister, as he was addressing the House of Commons.

Later that year, another member of the group breached Buckingham Palace security and climbed onto a ledge wearing a Batman costume.

Fathers 4 Justice was shut down in January 2006 after hardline sympathisers were accused of plotting to kidnap Mr Blair's son Leo.

But the group was reborn four months later when campaigners invaded the set of the National Lottery draw during a live broadcast.

This latest stunt is the beginning of a series of new protests by the group, according to Mr O'Connor.

He said: "There will be an official protest in Bristol, when we'll be targeting the Child Support Agency (CSA) in a way which hasn't been seen before."

"We'll also be revisiting many of our older protests."

Last month, Miss Harman said that marriage was irrelevant to government policy.

Her comments led to accusations that Labour was trying to destroy traditional family life in Britain, and in the process condemning children to lives of poverty in single-­parent households.

A Scotland Yard spokeswoman said: "Officers are currently in attendance at the location and are speaking to the men."

Saturday, 12 April 2008

Fathers 4 Justice take complaints to judge's home

Angry dads have paid a visit to the Barnes home of a high court judge and claim they will continue until "fathers have justice".

A protest was held by 35 members of Fathers 4 Justice (F4J) outside the home of Judge Paul Coleridge, in Melville Road, on Saturday, April 12, over his condemnation of the Government for failing to act over family breakdown and teenage deaths.

Former Richmond resident and F4J member Mark Harris said: "It sticks in my throat to see this man passing the buck in this way because his family courts fail.
"My case took 10 years of litigation, 133 court cases and £1million of taxpayers money wasted. If Coleridge and the previous 32 judges had done their job in the first place, none of this farce would have taken place."

Leader of F4J Matt O'Connor spoke to Judge Coleridge over the phone. He allegedly refused to leave his house to meet protesters and complained that the demonstration was an inconvenience to his neighbours.

However, he did agree to meet Mr O'Connor and a few other members in his court chambers to discuss the contact rights of fathers after divorce and separation.

One F4J member, currently involved in a legal battle over his children, said: "We'll be back in far larger numbers next time if he doesn't listen, and he won't be given notice that we are coming."

The Richmond and Twickenham Times attempted to contact Judge Coleridge but he was unavailable for comment